Perth’s median house sale price continues to rise, increasing 1.9 per cent in August and 20.7 per cent over the past year to reach $688,000. The median unit sale price set a new record, rising 1.1 per cent over the month to $455,000 which is 13.8 per cent higher...
WA housing and rental affordability declined again in the March 2024 quarter. According to the latest REIA Housing Affordability Report, the proportion of family income required to meet loan repayments in WA rose 1 percentage point over the quarter and 3.6 percentage...
Both median house and unit sale prices rose in January. Houses recorded a median sale price of $600,000, up 1.7 per cent on the $590,000 reported for December and 9.9 per cent higher than January 2023. The median unit sale price increased 0.5 per cent over the month...
In a survey conducted by REIWA, 90 per cent of respondents considered stamp duty to be a significant barrier to home ownership, which is why the Institute is calling for every political candidate to commit to a two-stream revenue collection method for stamp duty....
Sales activity increased seven per cent in Perth last week, with REIWA members reporting 843 transactions. This increase can be attributed to a four per cent increase in house sales and a 31 per cent increase in unit sales. However, there was an eight per cent decline...